LinkedIn's 'Recommend to Employees' Feature: A Guide for Marketing & Communication Leaders

LinkedIn's 'Recommend to Employees' Feature: A Guide for Marketing & Communication Leaders

One of the big frustrations we hear from the Marketing and Communications teams is the lack of support from employees on Linkedin in sharing branded content they produce and post on the company's LinkedIn page.

The crazy part is that Linkedin has released a new feature on Linkedin pages called “Recommend to Employees” designed to help with that challenge.

In this article, we will delve into the importance of this feature for marketing leaders and brands, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to leverage it effectively.

What is the 'Recommend to Employees' Feature

It empowers businesses and organisations to curate content on their Linkedin Pages that employees can pick and choose from and post on their feed in 2 clicks.

Recommendations are only shown to employees who are associated with your Page and have access to the My Company tab.

Posting on a Linkedin Page:


Recommending to employees


Why “Recommend to Employees” is a game-changer?

  1. Enhanced Brand Visibility and Reach:
    1. Organizations and Marketing can significantly boost their brand's visibility by recommending content to employees. Employees sharing company updates and industry-specific content reaches a broader audience.

    2. Not only because the aggregated network of employees systematically surpasses the followers on the page of the company.
    3. But also, the Linkedin algorithm is a lot more friendly towards content posted by humans than by brands
  1. Thought leadership and Trust:
  2. It is now recognized that content shared by employees is more trusted than content shared by Brand. (Trust Barometer by Edelman). So empowering employees and leaders to share and post on Linekdin more often benefits everybody and will contribute to elevate the credibility of your content.

  3. Simpler and faster for employees
  4. Also you make your employees lives easier. No need to email employees with the content of the post you want them to post. Just post your post in the ‘recommend to employees’ section.

    All employees with a verified work email address can see your ‘recommended posts’ and post one in their own feed in one click, as it was their own.

  1. Employees can edit and add their unique perspectives
  2. Make sure you tell employees and leaders to edit the text slightly or add their perspective before they post it to avoid all employees posting the exact same post on Linkedin and looking like an army of clones.

Despite the fact that only 3% of employees share content, they generate 30% of all content engagement for a typical business.
Average company post reach is 3% of the company’s followers
Having employees comment on a company post instead of sharing will have 8x more impact

Source: Linkedin Algorithm Research 2021

How to Use the 'Recommend to Employees' Feature

Only LinkedIn Page super admins, content admins or curator admins can recommend curated content for employees to use and reshare with their network.

Creating Recommended Content:

  1. Go to your Page admin view.
  2. Click Recommend to employees above the Start a post field.
  3. Click the Recommend to employees field and enter your post.
  4. Optional: Add an image, video, or document.
  5. Click the Recommend button.

To edit recommended content:

  1. Go to your Page admin view.
  2. Click Recommend to employees above the Start a post field.
  3. Locate the recommendation and click the More icon in the upper-right corner. You can only edit your own posts.
  4. Click Edit recommendation.
  5. Apply your edits and click the Save button.

What employees should see and should do:

Employees should:

  1. Verify their work email address (Here is How to verify it).
  2. Visit the ‘My Company’ Tab on your company page regularly or when you tell them to.
  3. Select a post you curated and click ‘Start a post’.
  4. Edit if they want / add their perspective.
  5. Click Post.

That’s it

What Employees see when visiting the My Company Tab on the Linkedin Page of their company

Data Linkedin page admins can see and learn from

Employee Advocacy analytics help LinkedIn Page admins gauge trends in employee and member engagement with content recommended to employees on the My Company tab.

They are only available on desktops.

Highlight metrics are an aggregate calculation from the past 30 days.

The number of recommendations that your Page made for employees.
The number of posts generated by employees from recommendations.
Reactions to posts
The total number of reactions by LinkedIn members to employee posts generated by recommendations.
Comments on posts
The number of comments by LinkedIn members on employee posts generated from recommendations.
The number of reposts by LinkedIn members from employee posts generated from recommendations.

In conclusion

LinkedIn's 'Recommend to Employees' feature is a potent tool for marketing leaders aiming to expand brand visibility and employee engagement.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can effectively harness the potential of this feature, turning your employees into influential brand advocates on LinkedIn.

Stay ahead of the competition and optimize your LinkedIn Page for success in the dynamic digital landscape.