Linkedin Ads in 10 steps

Linkedin Ads in 10 steps

Too many people do not know how easy it can be to launch an advertising campaign on Linkedin.

So here is a 10 step guide to ensure you are getting things done correctly

1. Objective

Choose Brand Awareness for best & cheapest results. Especially if it is first time you target this audience on Linkedin


2. Audience

Select UAE.

Do not select Dubai (only a fraction of Linkedin members have updated their city in their profile so it will exclude majority of members in Dubai who do not have an updated profile from your target)


Select List Upload & upload your lists


Select the right combination of filters, for example:

Job function AND Job seniority (or Job titles)


Company Industry


Company employee size


3. Uncheck Enable audience Expansion

Make sure Linkedin Ads stay focused on your targeted audience

If you have too much budget and you want Linkedin algo to expand your campaign to a larger and relevant audience, go for it.


4. Ad format

Choose Single Image for now


5. Placements

Check the box: Linkedin Audience Network


6. Budget

Choose Daily and Lifetime budget and review targeting so average frequency is close to 5 to ensure people you target will remember your campaign but wont feel spammed or bored of seeing the ads too many times


Choose Daily and Lifetime budget so budget is spent evenly throughout the campaign


7. Conversion

Please ignore for now. or create conversion if you have already installed Insight Tag


8. Set up Ads

Chose your call to action button

Create your ad (text, headline)

Upload image (you can upload 5 in one go to create 5 different versions of the same ad)


9. Review & Launch

10. Check 24h later if everything is fine


Here is a link to claim a $100 in free ads credits if you have never launched a Linkedin campaign before.

You can experiment and promote your brand for free.
